Microscope (SPM09)

Microscope (SPM09)

Product Details:


Product Description

Foundries & machine shops manufacturing high quality castings for export market are required to measure degree off cleanliness after completion of the cleaning process. Degree of cleanliness is usually specified by the buyer One or two castings out of a batch of 100 are used for the analysis. The casting is sprayed with a solvent The sokent Is allowed to drip through the casting's inner bores & is collected together with dissolved impurities The solvent is then passed through a firter paper, after drying, the fine paper with the impurities is placed on the stage of the microscope for determining particle size.

By Software Method Vardhan SPM08 Microscope is interfaced with the computer & the images can be directly observed on the computer monitor with outstanding clarity & saved as traceable records Particie size is then measured by a user friendly software

By Manual method The eyepieces of Vardhan SPM08 particle size measuring microscopes are provided with a built in cross wire reticule. The large size mechanical stage is equipped with Drum micrometers on both X & Y axis to manually measure the length, width of the particles

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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